
Thank You to Front Line Federal Workers & Those Who Serve

To all the amazing men and women serving on the front lines of the Coronavirus, we dedicate this message of thanks and gratitude to you. To the Federal employees keeping us safe, keeping us healthy, ensuring we receive the services we all rely on and many times take for granted, and to those of you […]

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$340 Billion in Emergency Appropriations for Federal Agencies

Below is a list of allocations from the $340 billion in emergency spending appropriations, special provisions, and other resources made available to Federal agencies as part of the he Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, signed into law on Friday, March, 27 2020. For the first time so far, N95 masks (recommended by […]

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Do Federal Workers Qualify for the Coronavirus Stimulus Rebate?

Question: Do Federal Workers Qualify for the Coronavirus Stimulus Rebate? Answer: Yes. Though there is a catch, which applies to both Federal employees and all other Americans. The rebate sounds fairly simple: all taxpayers get a check for $1,200 with an additional $500 added per child. Unfortunately though, not everyone is to qualify for the […]

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Proposed Federal Retirement Budget Cuts

President Trump’s proposed federal retirement budget could lead to big changes for federal employees. Under the new budget proposal, federal employees will see a major shift in their retirement policies, ultimately limiting their retirement benefits and reducing their annual take-home income due to increased costs. The budget impacts both Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) and […]

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Brookings Paper Calls For USPS Breakup

Is the United States Postal Service hampered by its constitutionally declared and much assumed mission to deliver mail to places near and far in the U.S., no matter what it takes or costs? According to a Brooking Institution (.pdf) white paper, that universal mandate must be reevaluated and the agency should no longer be under […]

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Free Credit Protection Services for Workers Affected by Latest Hack

An influential Senate panel approved a key amendment that would help protect federal workers and contractors whose sensitive personal and financial data were poached by hackers, which could be used for malicious and fraudulent purposes. The Senate Appropriations Committee adopted an amendment that will be folded into a massive government funding bill — the Financial […]

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2016 Federal Pay Raise Becoming More Likely

A 2016 pay raise for federal workers cleared another key hurdle recently. A powerful and influential Senate appropriations committee declined to insert any language addressing federal workers’ pay into a major government spending bill for next fiscal year. That means Senate lawmakers have taken a pass at denying President Obama’s stated intention to raise fed […]

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TSP Wants to Compete More with IRAs

The agency that administers the Thrift Savings Plan is hoping Congress goes along with its plan to lift multiple withdrawal restrictions imposed on TSP investors and to increase the number of investment options offered beyond the current limited number of TSP investment funds. The Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board has asked Congress to pass legislation […]

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Federal Employees Association Calls Out Congress: “TSP Belongs to Plan’s Participants”

An association that represents active and retired federal workers has admonished Congress for a plan that would divert money from a Thrift Savings Plan investment fund to pay for the government’s Highway Trust Fund. The Highway Trust Fund is projected to exhaust most of its reserve cash by September following this summer’s highway construction season. […]

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Proposed Rule Would Loosen Overtime Exemptions

Some federal workers will have the opportunity to collect overtime if a proposed U.S. Department of Labor rule is implemented. The Obama Administration is supporting the measure, with the president suggesting he will use his executive authority to loosen overtime exemptions that prevented hundreds of thousands of federal workers from being able to collect overtime. […]

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